Elakizhi (Pathra Pinda Swedam)
Patra pinda swedana is a type of swedana procedure wherein patra (leaves) of vata alleviating herbs are selected and made into pinda (bolus) by undergoing specific mode of preparation.
Patra pinda swedana is a type of swedana procedure wherein patra (leaves) of vata alleviating herbs are selected and made into pinda (bolus) by undergoing specific mode of preparation.
Jambeera - lemon
Pinda swedam – Sudation with hot boluses
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Thakra - buttermilk
Dhara - continuous pouring
It is the continuous pouring of medicated buttermilk.
The buttermilk is prepared by processi...
Dhanyamla - fermented rice gruel
Dhara - pouring
The medicinal powders are to be mixed well and to be tied to...
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