Motherhood is a dream of every women. But so many reasons sometimes it may not be an enjoyable period.A lot of changes are happens in a pregnant women. After delevery all these changes have to be come back to normal conditions. Some of these changes are the expanded uterus shrinks back, muscles, ligaments etc should come back. Ayurveda recommands some procedures that should be follow after every delevery.The postnatal period is called Sutika kala which have a duration of 45 days.
During first week
First week is very important for both the mother and the child. The mental and physical health ,digestive power etc of the mother will be low at the time of delevery.After the delevery Vata (helps delevery)will be increased, so it should be balanced for the better health of mother. Thr first thing that need more concentration is our diet. Take three tablesppon of cooked rice,half teaspoon of pepper powder and a enough salt,mix it well and have it just befor breakfast,lunch and dinner. Oil massage can be start from 10 th day onwards for normal delevery otherwise from 25th day onwards.Ksheerabala taila or Balaswagandhadi taila is suggested. Take some ghee and mixed it with a pinch of Ginger,long pepper,Chavya and Chitraka and have it twise a day. It improves the digestive system of the mother. During the first week, boiled vegitables and boiled rice is recommended along with these home remedies. Always take warm water in these period.Kalonji kashayam id also recommended only till 10 days afetr delevery(Prescriprion:Take a teaspoon of Kalonji kashayam in a bowl which contains two cups of water, and boils it. Then filter it.If it is bitter add some honey to it and have it evening 7 pm.
After one week
Use any one of Bala taila,Ksheerabala taila or Balaswagandhadi taila and takea bath in hotwater. It helps to strenghtn body muscles. Use of abdomen belt is recommended for getting a support to ligaments and uterus. Rest is another important factor during these perion. For nowmal delevery, take 3 months of rest and for CS delevery 4 to 5 months are suggested.
Usual medicines taken are:
- 5ml Dashamoolarishtam mixed with 10 ml water twise a day after food.
- 5ml Jeerakarishtam mixed with 10 ml water twise a day after food.(use in winter and rainy season only)
- 5g of Shatavari Gulam twise a day after food.
- Musta-Make a paste and mixed with water and applied over the breasts to improve lactation.
- Shatavari is also used for the same purpose.(Mixed with milk and boiled)