Obesity, And The Ayurvedic Medicine For Weight Loss

Obesity & The Causes
Obesity is a condition of the body, characterized by over-accumulation of fat under the skin and around certain internal organs. Sthaulya is the ayurvedic term for it. It is often referred to as Medoroga, as the medas or fat is the main cause for this condition. When the body’s calorie intake exceeds the amount of calories burned, it leads to the storage of excess calories in the form of body fat.
Increased body fat puts a person at risk for many critical conditions such as:
- Heart disease
- Liver damage
- Diabetes
- Arthritis, and
- Kidney problems
In Ayurveda, obesity is known as Medarog, which is caused by the aggravation of Kapha. Kapha is an Ayurvedic humor which is dense, heavy, slow, sticky, wet and cold in nature. It governs all structure and lubrication in the mind and body apart from controlling weight and formation of all the seven tissues - nutritive fluids, blood, fat, muscles, bones, marrow, and reproductive tissues.
In a balanced state, Kapha gives nourishment to these tissues through various microchannels. However, when it is aggravated, Kapha leads to the production of toxins in the body. These toxins are heavy and dense in nature and accumulate in weaker channels of the body, causing their blockage. In the case of an obese person, toxins accumulate in Medovahi Srotas (fat channels), thereby leading to an increase in the production of fat tissue (Meda Dhatu). When the body produces more fat tissues, it causes an increase in weight.
How To Prevent Obesity?
The Ayurvedic line of treatment for obesity begins with the pacification of Kapha Dosha. This can be done by eliminating Kapha-aggravating foods from the diet. Next, the treatment also focuses on the cleansing of the Medovahi channels through cleansing herbs so that excess weight can be reduced. Treatments like Udwarthana (powder massage), and panchakarma procedures (purification therapy) are highly effective in obesity management.