Moringa Leaves

Moringa is a tropical tree which has medicinal values in every part. It is rich with Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Vitamin E, amino acids and proteins etc. Moringa leaves can be consumed in many ways like as vegetable, juice, oil etc. The leaves of Moringa can be act as an anti-inflammatory agent. For feeding mothers it can be given for improving lactation. For cholesterol and Diabetes its stock can be used. It is very beneficial to hair growth. For cleansing our body and for smooth functioning of digestive system it can be used.
Names in different language
Language |
Name |
Hindi |
Sahijana |
English |
HorSe-radish tree, Drum stick plant |
Telugu |
Munaga chettu, Munakkai chettu |
Tamil |
Murungal |
Malayalam |
Muringna |
AkSiVa. Tiksnagañdhä, Mocaka, sobhãñjana, Bahupatrã.
Scientific classification:
The horseradish tree belongs to the moringa family, Moringaceae. It is classified as Moringa pterygosperma.
The properties
Rasa |
Katu, Tikta |
Guna |
Laghu, Ruksa, Tiksna
Karma |
Kapha-vãtahara, ukrala, GrãhDipana, Hrdya
Therapeutic Uses
(1) Pratiyãya- Root of Sigru should be taken with ghee & Susruta (S.S.Ka. 5/73). Bhava mira quoted three varieties viz., oil as Anupãna (G.N.) yama (blackish), Sveta (white) & Rakta (red).
(2) Krimi- Decoction of Sigru stem bark is given with Vidanga
yama — Grahi & honey (V.S.) Svéta — Dihakara
(3) Netraroga- Eyes are cleansed with the juice Sigru leaves
Rakta — Sãraka (Madhu Sigru) (V.M.). Raja Nighantu mentioned about Nila Sigru as well.
(4) Dadru Kustha- Sigru root bark paste is applied locally