Medicinal values of Ayurvedic herb Neem

Neem was often called the village pharmacy .It belongs to Mahogany family and it has a lot of medicinal values. Its branches, seed, and leaves are used for the preparation of Ayurveda medicines. We can prepare oil from the seeds and it is known as Margosa oil it can be act as a mosquito repellent. The leaves of names are bitter taste and it can be consumed either as directly or mixed with some other herbs. Due to the antipyretic properties of Neem, it is used to lower high fever. One important property of Neem leaves its antibacterial properties so it is used to reduce the bacterial attack and also used for treating poisons. If we use this leave in our bathing water or drinking water it will increase the immunity of our body. The juice can be used externally to treat chickenpox, rashes, Woods etc. Its small branches are also used for the preparation of Ayurvedic toothpaste. Have a cup of Neem herbal tea in early morning will reduce the chance of diabetic. Another use is to improve the tone of our skin. Before going to bed, wash your face with neem water.
Botanical Name: Azadirachta indica
Family : Mahogany
Preparation of Ayurvedic herbal tea using Neem.
- Prepare Neem powder by dried it without the presence of Sunlight.
- Make it as a fine powder.
- Add one teaspoon of powder into two cup of water and boil it for 5 minutes.
- Stir it and have it daily one or two times.