Botanical name - allium sativum
Family name - lilaceae
English name - garlic
Sanskrit name - lasunah, rasonah
Telgu name - vellulli , tellagadda
Tamil name - vellai puntu
Malayalam name - velluli
Kannada name – belluli
Lasuna is a cultivated plant which is distributed over temperate regions
The Sanskrit word lasuna means the drug which is absorbed quickly into the body. It is considered to be one of the best medicine in Ayurveda due to which it is been termed as Maha aushadha.
The useful part of the plant is bulb which is having a strong penetrating smell due to which lasuna is also having the name Ugra Ganda .Due to it’s potent character it is also known by the name arista. it got the nameBhutagna due to its power to destroy Evil organisms in and out of the body. it is considered to be a drug which is being mentioned in historical books . the historical account says that while Garuda was snatching away Amrita from Lord Indra ( king among the gods) a drop of it fell on the earth from which lasuna has came into existence
Taila ( oil)
Rasa (taste) – tikta ( bitter) predominant .Having all 6 taste except amla ( sour)
Guna ( property ) – snigdha ( oleagenous ) , guru ( heavy) , tikshna ( sharp)
Virya ( potency) –ushna ( heating )
Vipaka ( end product of digestion ) – katu ( pungent)
Dosha – decrease the kapha and vata which is increased in the body
Brahmana – noushing the body
Vrishya- aphrodisiac
Pacana- digestive Balavarnakara- increases the bodyweight strength and complexion
Medhahita- helps to control the fat content in the body
Netrya- good for eyes
Rasayanah- rejuvenative in nature
Kaphahanti- decreases the kapha which is increased in the body
Keshya- good for the hair
Hridya- good for heart
Deepana- which is appetizer in action
Rochana- increases the taste perception
Banghasandanakrit- helps in fusion of the fractures
Hridroga- heart disorders
Ajirna- indigestion
Jwara- fever
Kukshishula- stomach pain
Vibandha- constipation
Aruchi- tastelessness
Kasa- cough
Sopha- inflammation
Swasa- breathing disorders
Peenasa- rhinitis
Hikka- hiccup
Arshas- anal mass
Shula- pain
It is used in the form of milk preparation in the cases of paralysis and emaciation.
It is used in insect bites to remove the toxins.
In case of ear pain it is been used in the form of oil which is poured into ears.
In increased cholesterol levels also internal intake of lasuna is highly useful.
Its recommend to take less quantity of garlic especially those who are having a hot body constitution , bleeding disorders, menstural cycle , pregnant and during the hot seasons.