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Writtern by Dr. Akhil B.A.M.S



Liver is an organ which can accumulate fat underneath the skin which can lead to a disease known as fatty leaver or Steatosis. In Ayurveda, the liver is considered a  pitta organ,which is essential to digestion and elimination. Balanceing of pitta dosha  helps the liver’s ability to flush toxins from the body. When the liver contains excess amount of alcohol it becomes burn too hot. This causes inflammation and problems throughout the body. Liver is located in the right upper part of abdomen.There are two types of fatty liver disease one is  alcohol-induced and the other one is nonalcoholic. Alcohol-induced fatty liver will turned the liver to the right side and it becomes swell. Its symptoms include fever, jaundice and increased white blood cell count etc. Nonalcoholic fatty liver is usually a less serious condition in which fat builds up in the liver for reasons that are not related  to alcohol.

          Normally lever contains a certain amount of fat,but if it exceeds over 5-10% it will lead to fatty leaver.

          Some of the causes of fatty leaver are


  1. Consumption of alcohol.
  2. Drugs like Corticosteroids, tamoxifen, some cancer chemotheraphy drugs etc..
  3. Rapid loss of weight or gain of eright.
  4. Inherited from out parents.
  5. As a side effect of diabetes.


Effective Home Remedies for Fatty Liver


This can also be followed in a limited way to prevent fatty leaver

1) Amla or Gooseberry,Lemon

Amla has a  rich Vitamin C content. Having its juice early in the morning on empty stomach can lead to a surprising result.

Direction:Squeeze the juice of ½ lemon in a glass of water. Drink it 2 or 3 times a day for several weeks.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric digest fat in our body, so they do not accumulate in the liver. It also aids the liver detoxification process.

Direction: Mix ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of water and boil it. Drink it twice daily for a couple of weeks.


4. Papaya

Papaya fruit and its seeds rapidly burning the excess fats, that is the primary  cause of fatty liver disease.

Direction: One slice of ripe papaya mixed with honey improves the liver functioning, if taken once daily.


  5. Green Tea


          The catechins present in green tea improves liver functioning and reduces the excess fat in the blood.         

       Direction: 3 to 4 cups of green tea a day is beneficial to fight against fatty    liver disease.


          6. Triphala kashaya


          20 ml of thriphala kashaya mixed with a twaspoon of honey-2 times a day   before food.