Bringaraja (kayyoni ,bhamgra,kayyantakara)Bringa

Botanical Name - Eclipta alba
Family name - Asteraceae
English name - False Daisy , trailing eclipta
Hindi – bhamgra
Kannada – garagada soppu
Malayalam - kayyoni
Tamil - kayyantakara
Telgu - galagara
Sanskrit name -Bhringraj, Bringa, mahanila , markava
Bringraja is considered to be one of the main drugs in Ayurveda. The word bringraja means the one which makes the hair silky and Shiny as that of a peacock. Bringaraja helps in strengthing of the hair as well as blackening the hair. It is also effective in the liver disorders.The seeds of the plant is effective in increasing the sexual vigour in a is widely present in india especially in waste land and near to the road side.
Part used -whole plant
Rasa (taste)- Katu ( pungent) Tikta ( bitter)
Guna( properties )- Ruksha ( rough) Laghu(lighter)
Virya (potency)- Ushna
Vipaka ( end product after digestion )- Katu( pungent )
Action on doshas- Balances Kapha and Vata dosha (Kaphavatanut)
Benifits of Bringaraja
- Keshya -strengthening the hair
- Kesharanjana- reducing whitening of hair
- Rasayana- rejuvenation of the body
- Kasanut -reduces cough
- Swasanut-reduces breathing disorders
- Kushtanut-Reduces skin diseases
- Dantharogahara-reduce dental disorders
- Sironetrarujapaha-reduces the diseases of eyes as well as Head
- Amahara-helps to digest the ama
- Shothahara-helps to reduce inflammation
Home remedies
For hair preventing whitening of hair – oil prepared out of juice of the bringraja leaf can be used
For strengthening the roots of hair - bhringaraja can also be used internally in the form of the juice which is taken out from bhringaraja leaf