BALA (Kurunthotti)

Botanical Name: Sida cordifolia Linn. /Sida rhombifolia ssp. retusa
Names in different language
Hindi - Khirainti, Bariyara; Telugu - Chittamutti, Mattavapulagam; English - Country Mallow; Malayalam - Vellurum; Tamil - Paniyar Tuttul Jannada-Hettuti
Synonyms - Vatyã, Vatyalika, Vatyapuspi, Vãtyai, hadroudani.
Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata
Caraka Balã, Brmhaniya, Prajãsthapana, Madhuraskandha
Susruta Vãtasamgamana
Vagbhata –
Sida rhombifolia ssp. Retusa
The root of the herb is known as a good tonic and immune modulator, mainly using for vãta rogas
Varieties & adulterants
- S.acuta Burm
- S.rombifolia
- S.restusa
- S.spinosa
- A small downy erect herb or shrub, 1.2 m. in height, with long branches, sometimes rooting at nodes.
- Leaves - cordate, oblong, ovate or ovate-oblong, very downy on both surfaces; petiole as long as the blade.
- Flowers small, tawny yellow or white, carpels 10. Fruits - with a pair of awns on each carpel. (Flowers and grows wild along the roadsides, throughout sub-tropical and tropical India, ascending up to 1,200 m.)
- Chemical composition: Major components of seeds are alkaloids. Alkaloid contains mainly ephedrine. It also contains a fatty acid, mucin, potassium nitrate and resin. Ephedrine, hypaphorine, vasicinone, vascicine, vasicinol, choline, betaine, phytosterol etc.
Part Used
Dosage - Decoction 50-100 ml, powder 3-6 g.
Rasa - Madhura
Guna - Laghu, Snigdha, Picchila
Vipãka - Madhura Balya, Brmhana, Vrsya
Karma - Vãta-Pitta ha
External use
The paste is analgesic and alleviates oedema. It is locally applied over inflammation and eye disorders.
Internal use
- Central nervous system: Being neural tonic and vatasharnak, it is useful in vata disorders like paralysis, facial palsy etc.
- Digestive system: Emollient, deflatulent, and astringent. Useful in flatulence.
- Circulatory system: Cardiac tonic and alleviates haemorrhagic disorders, hence used in cardiac debility, haemorrhagic disorders, and bronchiectasis.
- Reproductive system: Aphrodisiac and useful in spermatorrhoea.
- Urinary system: Diuretic, so useful in dysuria.
- Temperature: Useful in fever being a febrifuge
- Satmikaran: Being tonic, it is helpful in general debility. tuberculosis and undernourishment.
Important Yogas or Formations
- Batadi kwath. Baladya ghrita. Baladyarishta, Chandanabalalakshadi taila.
- Srotogamitva
- Dosha Alleviates vata, pitla
- Dhatu Rakta. mansa, shukra. oja (enhancer).
- Main: Purisha (astringent)
- Indications - Raktapitta, Vatavyãdhi, Prameha, Ksaya
Therapeutic Uses
- Antra vrddhi — Balã ksira is added to Eianda taila and administered orally.
- Galaganda — Balã, Atibalã and Devãdaru are powdered and given through oral route.
- Vatavyãdhi — Balã yüsa is the best for Vatarogãs.