Black spots and pimples are found in human faces of any age group. This is because in oily skin the dirst and dust particles are grouped in some areas of the face. So many treatements are available including Laser treatement. This may have so many side effects. But we have a lot of Ayurvedic home remedies which help to get rid of these pimples and dark spot. Some of them are:
- Honey and raw potato juice- Mixture of raw potato juice and honey can be applied to your affected area and wash it off with cold water.This method helps you remove whiteheads present on your skin.
- Lemon Juice: Lemon juice act as an organic bleaching agent which helps to lighteneing the black spot . Lemon juice can be applied directly on the dark spot by dipping a cotton ball in the lemon juice. Let it rest for about half an hour and rinse it off with cold water. Repeat this at least two times a day. It takes two months for you to see positive results.
- Horseradish: It is an extraordinary herb, which makes your skin spotless by removing age spots. Mix grated horseradish with buttermilk in a glass container and leaving the mixture to rest for two weeks.After two weeks,strain it and apply the mixture on the affected area with the help of a cotton ball.Use it three times daily for one month.
- Buttermilk: Buttermilk is rich with latic acid.Apply some buttermilk on your spot and then wash it with plain water. If you have a oily skin, then add lemon juice to the buttermilk before applying. Otherwise you can apply a mixture of buttermilk and tomato juice.
- Aloe Vera: Rub fresh aloe vera gel/ oil gently on the dark spots. Allow it to stay for about 45 minutes before rincing it off with cold water.Repeat this procedure two times a day for one month. Simultaneously, you can also take 2 tablespoons of aloevera juiceeveryday on an empty stomatch for quick results.
- Tomato juice: Tomato juice combined with lemon juice is best home remedy to lighten up blemishes and dark spots.
- Caster oil: Apply caster oil with a clean cotton ball twise day and massage it for a few minutes.
- Sandalwood: Make a pack of sandelwood powder, glycerin, rose water and lemon juice. Wash it off with cold water.
- Onion Juice: Onion juice is a good bleaching agent. It is mixed with two tablespoon of honey and apply this mixture on the dark spots for about 15 minutes.