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Ayurveda cooking ( ILA ADA )

Writtern by Dr. Akhil B.A.M.S


Leaf Cakes

It is a evening snack.It decreases vata & pita increases kapha


Rice flour    -      1 cup

Jiggery 9grated) ½ cup

Coconut grated – ¾ cup

 cardamom (powdered) 2 pinches

Cumin (powder)    1 pinch

Salt to taste

Water as required

Banana leaf/ bay leaf

Method of preparation

Melt jiggery with 2 table spoon water wit over medium fire. Switch off the stove add grated coconut, cumin powder, cardamom powder. Mix well & keep aside. In a large mixing bowl, add rice flour & salt. Pour boiling water & mix well using a wooden spatula. Allow this to cool slightly & kneed well to form soft dough. Take a lemon sized portion of the prepared dough & place it onto a piece of banana leaf & flatten it using your finger tips to form thin &even layer of dough over the leaf. Place a table spoon of prepared filling onto one half of the prepared layer& fold over the other half along with the leaf. Place this in a steamer & steam for about 10 to 12 minutes.