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Swedana is a procedure which induces perspiration/sweating. In this treatment (Ayurvedic sweat therapy), the patient’s body is made to perspire using various mode of swedana karma depending upon the Dosha involvement and the disease condition.

In general, the swedana can be divided into 3 classifications:

I. Sagni swedana (direct application of the heat is involved)

  1. Tapa (dry heat)-eg: ishtika sweda
  2. Ushma (steam/bolus)-eg: ksheeradhoomam, patra pinda sweda, choorna pinda sweda etc
  3. Drava (liquid heat)-eg: Pizhichil, kashaya dhara etc
  4. Upanaha (poultice/bandage)

Niragni swedana (where direct application of the heat is not involved)

  1. Ushna sadana (entering in warm closed chamber)
  2. Guru pravarana (covering with thick blanket)
  3. Kshudha (inducing hunger)
  4. Bahupana (intake of excess hot water)
  5. Bhaya (frightening)
  6. Krodha (anger)
  7. Vyayama (physical exercise)
  8. Ahatha (wrestling)
  9. Athapa (exposure to the Sun)


II. Ekanga swedana (local body fomentation)

Sarvanga swedana (whole body fomentation)


III. Snigdha swedana (an unctuous type of fomentation)-eg:pizhichil

Rooksha swedana (a dry type of fomentation)-eg: choornapinda sweda.



  1. Improves the blood circulation
  2. Promotes lightness to both body and mind
  3. Balances Vata and Kapha humor in the body
  4. Removes the unwanted salts and toxins out of the skin and improves its glow and texture
  5. Improves digestion
  6. Removes stupor
  7. Acts on fat tissues
  8. Relieves stress
  9. Eases sore muscles
  10. Reduces numbness, stiffness, rigidity, heaviness; improves mobility
  11. Headache (vata and kapha origin)
  12. Hemiplegia
  13. Arthritis
  14. Parkinsonism
  15. Motor Neuron Disorders
  16. Osteoarthritis
  17. Low back ache
  18. Sciatica
  19. Asthma and cough
  20. Sinusitis
  21. Chronic constipation